Hey there! Lets talk about engagement photos for just a sec! You just got engaged congratulations!!! How awesome!! I am so excited for you!! You just added like a million things to your to do list and you gotta get it done FAST!!! First on the list (photography wise) is shooting your engagement pictures! But you are swamped with school homework and work, plus your fiancee is doubly swamped with school, homework, and work. Not only that, but your schedules don't really match up!! When you sit down together and look at your week you have an hour on Thursday to get them done!!
HOLY SMOKES!!! It is going to take an hour just to get to your dream location up the canyon and you don't have that kind of time!! NOT only that but it's winter, there is 2 feet of snow on the ground and freezing cold wind!!! Sounds like fun doesn't it!! Ya I didn't think so!
So what is your plan B? How about we skip the canyon location and just head Downtown!! Yup you heard me right, head Downtown!!

Some reasons you might want to forego a canyon shoot are:
#1 If it is freezing cold outside (like the day we did this shoot) and an hour long session out in the snow and freezing wind just doesn't sound fun!! You don't need to hike a mountain for beautiful pictures! Just head down town snap a few quick shots and then grab a hot chocolate on your way home! Not that sounds like fun!!
#2 Most people are super busy!! Make your life a little easier for yourself and save time and money on travel and just hangout downtown for an hour!
#3 If you aren't super busy then take your time and enjoy the evening!! You are all dressed up and looking good, don't go home and watch Netflix spend the evening doing something fun at your local shops!! You can grab dinner, catch a show, or wander through those shops you have been dying to see! You are all
#4 When you think engagement shoot what do you picture in your head? Was it by chance a boy giving a girl a piggy back ride in a forest? Ya, I see it all the time! And I am bored!! Let's be unique and do something different!! Make your engagements stand out from what all those people are doing, dare to be different!!
Those are just a few reasons to head Down Town!! Let me share 4 of my favorite spots in Downtown Provo to take beautiful bright and airy engagements!!
The Scooter Lounge
302 S 500 W, Provo, UT 84601

This location gives you a clean, bright and airy, non-distracting background, not only that but because you are shooting against a building you have nice even shade almost all day long giving you more flexibility to fit an engagement shoot into your busy day!!
Foxglove Flowers & Gifts
466 W Center St. Provo, UT 84601

On the west side of this building there is a fantastic ally way with a beautiful white textured wall! I do shoots here all the time! There is always parking and because it is an ally the shade is great almost all day long, making this location great for morning, afternoon and evening shoots.
NuSkin Building (right next to Sensuous Sandwich)
163 W Center St Provo, UT 84601

This spot might not look like much but the pictures you take here will look amazing, I promise!! This spot is great because it is bright, airy and super close to a bunch of other fun locations downtown! If you start here you are literally a block away from another great spot in all directions!
Provo Historic Courthouse
51 S University Ave, Provo, UT 84601

This spot is one of my favorites! And this space is large which gives you a lot of diversity. The only downside to this spot is lighting. Because this building faces west you need to be strategic about the time you go to shoot their. But if you go after the stairs are in shade or on a cloudy day you will be so glad you did!
There you have it! 4 fantastic Downtown Provo locations for your engagement shoot!! Seriously, do yourself a favor and make your life a little easier by checking engagements off that long wedding list of yours! Get'er done then enjoy the local night life that Provo has to offer!